Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Beginning of the Year

So it's been 2011 for almost a week already and I'm trying to remain in denial of school starting again next week.

My schedule is creeping back around to the point where I may actually not find transitioning to 8 o'clock classes that difficult...Aw, who am I kidding? I have at least one day (Tuesdays) scheduled to be an 8 am to 10:30 pm day, so the world should be preparing to tremble.

It seems as though the first blog post of year is supposed to be some kind of resolutions list, but frankly, there's nothing I want to resolve to do that I wasn't resolving to do already, i.e. pass classes, go to the beach more, sleep in every chance I get, remember to eat my fruits and veggies, keep pursuing 99 slayer, etc. etc. etc..

Apparently getting up at 2am and suffering through the light of day is taking a heavier toll on me than I thought it would.


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